is this a wip? seems really unpolished and incomplete especially side to side with rest, looks nice by itself but like really contrasts a lot
is this a wip? seems really unpolished and incomplete especially side to side with rest, looks nice by itself but like really contrasts a lot
I wonder if the mecha behind is theirs or their enemy.
Also got to mention is really impressive how you mesh well your designs nad alternate between your unique style and mimicking others so well like what the heck
I think the flame trails could be better but overall doesn't ruin it, awesome communist robot
Now someone mod Jet into SA2 and make this real
Dude the angles are really well done here.
Now imagine this thing 2D animated with shading angles and all, that would cost like a millon dollars a frame but imagine the quality
Hands down I also want to be able to not only do simple and stilized human characters like you do but this heckin giant robot things I got absolutely no experience doing, like I see myself doing everything well but this. It is dang awesome
Hmm, I wonder how another take at this would look like if you made it today, you like have come kind of a way since then.
I like your OCs a lot, I'll sure as heck watch an animated series or comic about them, it's kind of rare encountering with oc's made by uknown random people in the internet that actually look like really great or at least this appealing for me. Heckin awesome
Every one of these CN palette art looks awesome and it almost convinces me to try it but then I remember I am a pretty beginner artist who couldn't get it near as right even if tried. Seems really complicated
It is really cool when people imitate (almost) accurately the style but sure is fresh someone adding a bit of their own twist on it and adapting elements of their own style on it, and I like your style a lot.
One of the best things in life is that feeling when someone has a weird and totally unusual idea that NO ONE else would ever have or consider to make it happen, and makes it happen just for the sake of it being worth enough to bring into existence.
Not man, nor woman (kid)
doing my bucket list
I don't remember
México, Earth, Milky Way.
Joined on 5/17/23